About Us

Granada Siempre Nuestra

About us?

Granada Siempre Nuestra (GSN) is a non-profit corporation founded on March 12, 1993, at the initiative of a group of merchants from Granada, headed by Horacio Zuluaga, Héctor Gómez and Juan Fernando Pineda, in order to channel resources and wills to support socio-cultural projects in Granada. The corporation currently focuses its work on two fundamental axes that are education and entrepreneurship.



The Corporación Granada Siempre Nuestra has the mission of promoting education and entrepreneurship as pillars of the integral development of the Granada community, channeling resources and wills in interaction with the business, government and academic sectors, in the search for territorial development.


The Granada Siempre Nuestra Corporation, inspired by the highest social values, aspires to be recognized, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, by the results obtained in the education and entrepreneurship processes and its contribution in the capacity building of the inhabitants of Pomegranate

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(4) 832 10 35 / 314 768 8708



Redes Sociales

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